Thinking about it now, we still can’t believe it – she actually said yes! It’s probably going to take a while for the reality to set in – for us to realise that this is not actually a dream anymore. Dedri Uys of the famed Sophie’s Universe is going to join us in South Africa next winter for an exclusive “Be Inspired with Dedri tour”… there they go again – the butterflies are dancing in my tummy and I’m smiling (well actually grinning) to myself 🙂


The girls and I have been in awe of Dedri’s work ever since we saw Sophie’s Garden. How could someone create something so exquisite?! When Sophie’s Universe was launched it took our crocheting world by storm – and our breath away. Each Monday we eagerly awaited the newsletter in our inbox to see what Dedri had dreamed up, and how our Sophie was unfolding. It was like unwrapping a pressie – I felt like a kid again!

It was by chance that I found Dedri’s mom on Facebook – I didn’t actually realise that she was South African. I mean, I know we have talent in this beautiful part of the world that I am so proud to call home. But I have to admit I didn’t realise that our talent was well, that talented!! 🙂 The fact that Dedri was home grown made me so proud, and patriotic. There was a sense that I knew her, even though I had never had the pleasure of chatting to her.

So when I was driving home one day and this thought popped into my mind, I had a rush of emotion through me… Excitement, anticipation, a “don’t be silly” voice, fear, and complete euphoria all at once. Imagine we could invite Dedri to come out to SA and tour with us? Oh shut up Raedene – this is a pipe dream! But imagine… Would this be something that she would even consider? These conversations played over and over in my head, so it took me a while to pluck up the courage to send her a mail, outlining the idea, and asking if she would consider it.

After hitting the send button I sat back feeling quite emotional. It would probably take weeks for her to get to this, and then I was certain it would be declined – that’s if she even had the time to attend to the “no thanks, I’ll pass” emails. Oh well, at least I tried.

And then a day later in my inbox, there it was – her reply. I was too nervous to open it… But curiosity got the better of me.

And she said YES!

I was like a kid in a candy store, running around on a sugar high! The guys in my office (yes – my day job is in a space filled with men) thought that I had gone completely mad, but I couldn’t help myself. She said yes, she said yes, she said yes!! <3

So now comes the hard work. The planning, pattern developing, testing, travel arrangements, workshop venues, etc, etc, etc. The logistics are only in baby stages, but we can’t wait. Bring on chilly winter 2016, and our very own Dedri 🙂

We’ll keep you posted with how things are progressing as things unfold. If you want to be given first option to attend these amazing workshops, pop us a mail at with your details, and which workshop you would be interested in – Durban, Cape Town or Gauteng.

We know we’re going to have to come down to earth some time – but not just yet. We’re still loving these butterflies – reminiscent of the butterflies in Sophie! <3 🙂

Butterflies - Sophies-Universe-Round-96-Complete