Daylight Breaking Shawl Pack


Daylight Breaking shawl became quite a thing on the deck after a social and #jennymadeusdoit struck.

It is a free pattern, with adverts, or you can pay a small fee to get it from Ravelry and have it safely in your library with a pdf ready to download.

The shawl is beginner friendly, and I am happy to help you knit it. For experienced knitters it is a nice palette cleanser between or during taxing projects, a nice travel project and a chat over coffee and knit project. Its NetFlix rating is EASY.

We have been having great fun knitting it using one Crazy Zauberball and two Soul yarns. The packs include the yarn needed, but NOT the pattern, as well as a journal postcard and a 10% discount off the yarn.

I used a 3,75mm needle.

There are lots of different colourways, as many as there are Zauberballs. I have therefore listed them according to the Zauberball used in the pack. I am also more than happy to pair your favourite Zauberball with Souls and send pics.

SKU: bi-daylightbreaking Tags: , , , ,

Additional information

Crazy Zauberball

Non Ferrous Metal, Green Week, Cool Botanical Gardens, Evening Hour, Parrot, Change of Scenery, Pause in Blue